cathode-ray tube - определение. Что такое cathode-ray tube
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Что (кто) такое cathode-ray tube - определение

Computer display/CRT; Cathode Ray Tube; Cathodic ray tube; Cathode-Ray Tube; Cathode ray tubes; Picture tube; CRT monitors; Doming (television); CRT monitor; Television picture tubes; Colour CRT; Cathod ray tube; Braun tube; CRT screen; Samsung SlimFit CRT TV; User:Johnsonm12; CRT display; Direct-view television; Monitor radiation; Cathode-ray tubes; Cathode tube; Phosphor persistence; C.R.T. T.V.; Cathode ray tube display; Cathode ray tube; CRT cataract
  • Braun's original cold-cathode CRT, 1897
  • Magnified view of a [[Trinitron]] (aperture grille) color CRT. A thin horizontal support wire is visible.
  • Close-up of the phosphor-coated inner side of the screen}}
  • Animation of the image construction with interlacing method
  • A CRT during an implosion
  • CRT triad and mask types
  • Wire for anode high voltage.}}{{pb}}The only visible differences are the single electron gun, the uniform white phosphor coating, and the lack of a shadow mask.
  • Spectra of constituent blue, green and red phosphors in a common CRT
  • On the left: Magnified view of In-line phosphor triads (a slot mask) CRT. On the right: Magnified view of Delta-gun phosphor triads.
  • Magnified view of a delta-gun [[shadow mask]] color CRT
  • raster]] pattern
  • Cathode-ray tube using electromagnetic focus and deflection. Parts shown are not to scale.
  • Small circular CRTs during manufacture in 1947 (screens being coated with phosphor)
  • The rear of a 14-inch color cathode-ray tube showing its deflection coils and electron guns
  • [[Datapoint]] 1500 terminal with exposed chassis, with its CRT suffering from a "cataract" due to aging PVA
  • A degaussing in progress
  • Color computer monitor electron gun
  • The in-line electron guns of a color CRT TV
  • The electron gun of an oscilloscope. A pair of deflection plates is visible on the left.
  • An oscilloscope showing a [[Lissajous curve]]
  • A monochrome CRT as seen inside a [[Macintosh Plus]] computer
  • A magnet used on a CRT TV. Note the distortion of the image.
  • A portable monochrome CRT TV
  • The deflection yoke over the neck of a monochrome CRT. It has two pairs of deflection coils.
  • A monochrome CRT as seen inside a TV. The CRT is the single largest component in a CRT TV.
  • An aluminized monochrome CRT. The black matte coating is aquadag.
  • [[Mu metal]] magnetic shields for oscilloscope CRTs
  • Nimo tube BA0000-P31
  • A cathode-ray tube as found in an [[oscilloscope]]
  • The front of a Sony Watchman monochrome CRT
  • A flat monochrome CRT assembly inside a 1984 Sinclair TV80 portable TV
  • A comparison between 21-inch Superslim and Ultraslim CRT
  • The Tektronix Type 564: first mass-produced analog phosphor storage oscilloscope
  • monochrome television set]]
  • A [[Trinitron]] CRT computer monitor
Найдено результатов: 2040
cathode-ray tube         
(cathode-ray tubes)
A cathode-ray tube is a device in televisions and computer terminals which sends an image onto the screen. (TECHNICAL)
Cathode-ray tube         
A cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns, which emit electron beams that are manipulated to display images on a phosphorescent screen. The images may represent electrical waveforms (oscilloscope), pictures (television set, computer monitor), radar targets, or other phenomena.
cathode ray tube         
<hardware> (CRT) An electrical device for displaying images by exciting phosphor dots with a scanned electron beam. CRTs are found in computer VDUs and monitors, televisions and oscilloscopes. The first commercially practical CRT was perfected on 29 January 1901 by Allen B DuMont. A large glass envelope containing a negative electrode (the cathode) emits electrons (formerly called "cathode rays") when heated, as in a vacuum tube. The electrons are accelerated across a large voltage gradient toward the flat surface of the tube (the screen) which is covered with phosphor. When an electron strikes the phosphor, light is emitted. The electron beam is deflected by electromagnetic coils around the outside of the tube so that it scans across the screen, usually in horizontal stripes. This scan pattern is known as a raster. By controlling the current in the beam, the brightness at any particular point (roughly a "pixel") can be varied. Different phosphors have different "persistence" - the length of time for which they glow after being struck by electrons. If the scanning is done fast enough, the eye sees a steady image, due to both the persistence of the phospor and of the eye itself. CRTs also differ in their dot pitch, which determines their spatial resolution, and in whether they use interlace or not. (1994-11-17)
cathode ray tube         
¦ noun a high-vacuum tube in which cathode rays produce a luminous image on a fluorescent screen.
Cathode ray         
  • A diagram showing a [[Crookes tube]] connected to a high voltage supply.  The Maltese cross has no external electrical connection.
  • [[Glow discharge]] in a low-pressure tube caused by electric current.
Cathode rays; Cathode Ray; Cathode Rays; Electron beam; Cathode stream; Cathode-ray; Cathodic ray; Electron beams; Faraday dark space; Kathode rays; Electron-beam
Cathode rays (electron beam or e-beam) are streams of electrons observed in discharge tubes. If an evacuated glass tube is equipped with two electrodes and a voltage is applied, glass behind the positive electrode is observed to glow, due to electrons emitted from the cathode (the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the voltage supply).
cathode ray         
  • A diagram showing a [[Crookes tube]] connected to a high voltage supply.  The Maltese cross has no external electrical connection.
  • [[Glow discharge]] in a low-pressure tube caused by electric current.
Cathode rays; Cathode Ray; Cathode Rays; Electron beam; Cathode stream; Cathode-ray; Cathodic ray; Electron beams; Faraday dark space; Kathode rays; Electron-beam
¦ noun a beam of electrons emitted from the cathode of a high-vacuum tube.
  • Cold-cathode fluorescent lamp backlight
  • A standard computer case fitted with blue and green cold-cathode tubes
Cold Cathode; Ccfl; Cold cathode ionization gauge; Cold-cathode; Cold Cathodes; Cold cathode fluorescent light
Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp (Reference: LCD)
Cold cathode         
  • Cold-cathode fluorescent lamp backlight
  • A standard computer case fitted with blue and green cold-cathode tubes
Cold Cathode; Ccfl; Cold cathode ionization gauge; Cold-cathode; Cold Cathodes; Cold cathode fluorescent light
A cold cathode, Cold cathode discharge tube is a cathode that is not electrically heated by a filament.A negatively charged electrode emits electrons or is the positively charged terminal.
cold cathode         
  • Cold-cathode fluorescent lamp backlight
  • A standard computer case fitted with blue and green cold-cathode tubes
Cold Cathode; Ccfl; Cold cathode ionization gauge; Cold-cathode; Cold Cathodes; Cold cathode fluorescent light
¦ noun Electronics a cathode that emits electrons without being heated.
Tube (container)         
Toothpaste tube; Tube (packaging); Collapsible tube; Squeeze tube
A tube, squeeze tube, or collapsible tube is a collapsible package which can be used for viscous liquids such as toothpaste, artist's paint, adhesive, caulk, & ointments. Basically, a tube is a cylindrical, hollow piece with a round or oval profile, made of plastic, paperboard, aluminum, or other metal.


Cathode-ray tube

A cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns, which emit electron beams that are manipulated to display images on a phosphorescent screen. The images may represent electrical waveforms (oscilloscope), pictures (television set, computer monitor), radar targets, or other phenomena. A CRT on a television set is commonly called a picture tube. CRTs have also been used as memory devices, in which case the screen is not intended to be visible to an observer. The term cathode ray was used to describe electron beams when they were first discovered, before it was understood that what was emitted from the cathode was a beam of electrons.

In CRT television sets and computer monitors, the entire front area of the tube is scanned repeatedly and systematically in a fixed pattern called a raster. In color devices, an image is produced by controlling the intensity of each of three electron beams, one for each additive primary color (red, green, and blue) with a video signal as a reference. In modern CRT monitors and televisions the beams are bent by magnetic deflection, using a deflection yoke. Electrostatic deflection is commonly used in oscilloscopes.

A CRT is a glass envelope which is deep (i.e., long from front screen face to rear end), heavy, and fragile. The interior is evacuated to 0.01 pascals (1×10−7 atm) to 0.1 micropascals (1×10−12 atm) or less, to facilitate the free flight of electrons from the gun(s) to the tube's face without scattering due to collisions with air molecules. As such, handling a CRT carries the risk of violent implosion that can hurl glass at great velocity. The face is typically made of thick lead glass or special barium-strontium glass to be shatter-resistant and to block most X-ray emissions. CRTs make up most of the weight of CRT TVs and computer monitors.

Since the mid-late 2000's, CRTs have been superseded by flat-panel display technologies such as LCD, plasma display, and OLED displays which are cheaper to manufacture and run, as well as significantly lighter and less bulky. Flat-panel displays can also be made in very large sizes whereas 40 in (100 cm) to 45 in (110 cm) was about the largest size of a CRT.

A CRT works by electrically heating a tungsten coil which in turn heats a cathode in the rear of the CRT, causing it to emit electrons which are modulated and focused by electrodes. The electrons are steered by deflection coils or plates, and an anode accelerates them towards the phosphor-coated screen, which generates light when hit by the electrons.